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Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Newsletter, January 2025
Gallery Newsletter Banner
Historic California Painters, The Joshua Meador Collection & paintings by resident gallery artist, Linda Sorensen
1580 Eastshore Road
(next door to the Terrapin Creek Cafe)
call or text 707-875-2911

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Thursdays through Sundays, noon until 5:00 pm
(often earlier and later, other times by appointment)

Linda Sorensen
Linda Sorensen, Hay Barn, Pierce Point, Point Reyes National Seashore
Hay Barn
Pierce Point, Pt. Reyes NSS

18 x 24, oil on linen canvas
now available at the gallery

In our Newsletter, January 2025
SF's Legion of Honor Museum Permanent Collection
San Francisco's Legion of Honor Museum
Favorites in their Permanent Collection

Now at the gallery
Nels Hagerup, Sunset Beach, San Francisco
Nels Hagerup, 1864-1922
Sunset Beach, San Francisco
oil on canvas, 21 1/2 x 29 1/2

Exterior of San Francisco's Legion of Honor,  a permanent replica of the French Pavillion at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition,  which was in itself a replica of the Palais de la Legion d'Honneur in Paris
Exterior of San Francisco's Legion of Honor,
a permanent replica of the French Pavilion at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition,
which was in itself a replica of the Palais de la Legion d'Honneur in Paris
San Francisco's Legion of Honor Permanent Collection
Recently, while visiting the Mary Cassatt at Work Exhibition, I took the opportity to view the Legion's galleries of European art treasures. The paintings pictured below are all at the Legion. They included some stunning Dutch, English and French artists from as early as the 17th century to the early 20th century.
Dutch Artists

I find Dutch portrait and genre painting remarkable for two reasons. First, they are secular, windows into the lives of the Dutch as they were in the 1600's, what they ate and drank, wore and how they celebrated life's events, even including the family dog. Also, they are old. On a time line, the gap between Claude Monet to us today is shorter than the gap between Monet's time and the Dutch of the 17th century.

Over the years, I've written about Dutch painting in our newsletters.

Sep '11
SF's Legion of Honor

Dutch and Flemish works
from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection
Mar '13
The tragic tale of Emmanuel
de Witte, Dutch Master of
Interior Church Scenes

Dec '18
Gerrit Dou, 1613-1675 The Trumpet Player in front of a Banquet, oil on panel, 1660-65
The Louvre's Dutch Genre
Painters: Hals, de Hooch,
Dou, Metsu, & Vermeer
Jan '20
Peter WteWael, 1596-1660 Kitchen Scene, 1620's

Dutch paintings for an
Emerging Secular World,
Dutch Masterpieces at the Met
Jan '23
Laughing Child, c1620-25 Frans Hals, 1582/83-1666
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Paintings from the Dutch Golden Age

Feb '23
Jan Steen, self portrait with lute
Jan Steen 1626-1679,
his lively genre paintings of
the Dutch Golden Age

Jan Steen 1626-1679 The Marriage of Tobias and Sarab (The Marriage Contract), c1673
Jan Steen, Dutch, 1626-1679
The Marriage of Tobias and Sarah (The Marriage Contract), c1673

Although most of Jan Steen's paintings were genre scenes of domestic 17th century Dutch life. The Marriage of Tobias and Sarah though is a Biblical story. The story dates from the 2nd century BC and is in the apocryphal book of Tobias. In this painting, Jan Steen recreates this story in a contemporary Dutch setting.

Within the painting, Tobias marries Sarah underneath a hanging wreath of sunflowers. At the table, Sarah's parents review the marriage contract drafted by a notary ... in this case, portrayed by a self-portrait of Jan Steen cloaked in gold. This Dutch home has items from Holland's worldwide colonial enterprises including a Turkish carpet and Chinese porcelain. Like many of Jan Steen's work, this painting has lots going on. Notice the one young man heading for more wine from the cask, the child partaking of what appears to be a piece of imported citrus fruit from a blue bowl and a family dog participating in the goings on.

Frans Hals 1582/1583-1666 Portrait of a Gentleman in White, c1637
Frans Hals, Dutch, 1582/1583-1666
Portrait of a Gentleman in White, c1637
Pieter de Hooch 1629-1684 Woman with children in an Interior, c1658-1660
Pieter de Hooch, Dutch, 1629-1684
Woman with Children in an Interior, c1658-1660
Frans Hals is known for his portraits of individuals, married couples, families and institutional group portraits. I have seen his paintings at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Louvre. They are always entertaining, catching the subject in a moment. He was most popular among the wealthy of Haarlem. In Portrait of a Gentleman in White, he shows some of his painterly skill, rendering this white outfit with all its texture, light and shadow, and notice the intricate work of white lace.
In this painting, Pieter de Hooch celebrates the order and cleanliness of middle-class Dutch households. In Woman with Children in an Interior, a mother models nurturing for her older daughter. While she nurses her younger infant child, her older daughter feeds the family dog.

Pieter de Hooch lived and worked in Delft, a contemporary of Johannes Vermeer. Historians believe Vermeer had been influenced by de Hooch.
English Artists
When it comes to English painters today, the names of Gainsborough and Constable are referred to as if they were a duo, the Simon and Garfunkle of 18th century landscape painting. But they never met! Although their birthplaces were only ten miles apart and both lived to age 61, Thomas Gainsborough was 49 years older than John Constable. Gainsborough died when Constable was only twelve.

I've seen Gainsborough and Constable paintings in a number of museums, but most notably at the Tate Britain and the National Gallery in London. The Legion of Honor has a single painting by Gainsborough and two by Constable.

Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 was an English landscape painter, draftsman and printmaker. He made most of his money from painting portraits, but found his greatest satisfaction painting landscapes. He had strong negative feelings about painting portraits for wealthy clients. He wrote, "... damn Gentlemen, there is not such a set of Enemies to a real artist in all the world as they are. They think they reward you by their company, but the only part of them worth looking at, is their purse. Their hearts are seldom near enough the right place to get a sight of it."

Gainsborough is given credit as the originator of the British Landscape School, and he was one of the founding members of the Royal Academy. Art historian Michael Rosenthal described Gainsborough as "one of the most technically proficient and, at the same time, most experimental artists of his time". He painted quickly and worked more from observations of nature than from formal academic rules.

Landscape with Country Carts was based on a painting by Dutch painter Pieter Molyn 1595-1661. Gainsburough had a keen interest in 17th century Dutch landscapes. This painting also exhibits Gainsborough's looser paint handling and the luminous quality of his mature style.

Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 Landscape with Country Carts, 1784-1785
Thomas Gainsborough, English, 1727-1788
Landscape with Country Carts, 1784-1785
John Constable 1776-1837 Arundel Mill, c1835
John Constable, English, 1776-1837
Arundel Mill, c1835
John Constable 1776-1837 A View on Hampstead Heath with Harrow in thee Distance, 1822
John Constable, English, 1776-1837
A View on Hampstead Heath with Harrow in the Distance, 1822
John Constable 1776-1837 was never financially successful. He was not elected to the Royal Academy until late in his career when he was 52 years old. By that time, he was influenced by the Barbizon School in France. The French influence on his paintings increased his sales. His paintings sold better in France than they ever did in England. He was admired by Barbizon painter Eugène Delacroix. His painting Hay Wain was awarded a gold medal by Charles X in the Paris Salon of 1824. It now hangs in the National Gallery in London.

Arundel Mill shows the mill on the River Arun. In the distance, the high walls of Arundel Castle are visible.
Dec '17
John Constable Self Portrait
"Great Britain's Favourite
Early 19th Century
Landscape Painter,"
John Constable 1776-1837
French Artists
The Legion of Honor's collection of French paintings is impressive. They have some from the 17th and 18th centuries and an impressive array of impressionist and post impressionist works from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Louis Le Nain 1600/1605-1648 Peasants Before Their House, 1641
Louis Le Nain, French, 1600/1605-1648
Peasants Before Their House, 1641

The Le Nain Brothers were born in the late 16th and early 17th century in Picardy, Northern France, Antione in 1588, Louis in 1593 and Mathieu in 1607. One hundred and forty years before the birth of Impressionism, in 1630, the three Le Nain brothers were living in Paris where they shared a studio. Antione was admitted to the Painters Guild, and his two younger brothers trained with him. The brothers worked corroboratively, producing portraits, altarpieces, Biblical scenes and luminescent scenes of French peasants. In 2016, San Francisco's Legion of Honor Museum held an exhibition entitled The Brothers Le Nain.

In Peasants Before Their House, c1641 Louis Le Nain shows us a peasant family outside a farmhouse. Such farmhouses were common in northern France. Louis Le Nain was known for his frank depictions of rural people. Urban artists often treated the peasantry of rural France as comedic figures, whereas Louis Le Nain painted them with high regard and respect.

William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1825-1905 The Broken Pitcher, 1891
William-Adolphe Bouguereau, French, 1825-1905
The Broken Pitcher, 1891
James Tissot 1836-1902 Self Portrait, c1865
James Tissot, French, 1836-1902
Self Portrait, c1865

Tissot, James 1636-1902 Winter of Mavourneen or Portrrait of Kathleen Newton, 1877Tissot, James, French, 1636-1902
Winter of Mavourneen or Portrait of Kathleen Newton, 1877

William-Adolphe Bouguereau's The Broken Pitcher is absolutely stunning, one of my favorite paintings held by the Legion of Honor. This peasant girl's eyes are large, dark and captivating. Bouguereau was an influential teacher at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. This painting is representative of the stylistic qualities which were central to academic teaching in the mid 19th century with its careful description of forms and his idealistic approach to the human figure. This scene is charged with sexual tension, with the cracked pitcher alluding to her loss of virginity, or of a love abandoned.

In 2018, Linda and I visited the Petite Palais in Paris where we saw a large number of James Tissot's paintings. Impressionists in London: French Artists in Exile was one of the highlights of our trip.

James Tissot's Self Portrait c1865 shows an artist who made, in retrospect, a really bad decision in 1874. In that year, Edgar Degas invited Tissot to participate in the Impressionists' first exhibition, but Tissot declined the invitation.

Degas wrote him, "Look here, my dear Tissot, no hesitations, no escape. You positively must exhibit at the Boulevard. It will do you good. There must be a salon of realists. So forget the money side for a moment. Exhibit. Be of your country and with your friends."

But at that time, Tissot's paintings were being shown at London's Royal Academy, and he was making good money there. At the time, a sure thing was better than a risky venture with friends.

Winter of Mavourneen or Portrait of Kathleen Newton 1877 is of his companion Kathleen who lived with Tissot in London in 1876-77, and modeled frequently for him. This painting's title, Kathleen Mavourneen, was so named after a well known Victorian sentimental song from a play of the same name. "Mavourneen" is an Irish Gaelic term of endearment meaning "my beloved."

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 1796-1875 Banks of the Somme at Picquigny 1865-1870
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, French, 1796-1875
Banks of the Somme at Picquigny 1865-1870

Beginning in 1829 (11 years before Claude Monet was born) a 34 year old Camille Corot began painting with members of the Barbizon School in the Forest Fontainebleau outside Paris. Other members included  Théodore Rousseau, Paul Huet, Constant Troyon, Jean-François Millet, and the young Charles-François Daubigny. Barbizon was a village on the edge of the Forest Fontainbleau. Qualities of the Barbizon School painters were their use of color, loose brushwork and softness of form. Banks of the Somme at Picquigny is from a later period of Corot's career, but bears many of the qualities of his earlier Barbizon paintings.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919 Mme. Clémentine Valensi Stora (L'algérienne), 1870
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French, 1841-1919
Mme. Clémentine Valensi Stora (L'algérienne), 1870
Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919 Mother and Child, c1883
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French, 1841-1919
Mother and Child, c1883
Pierre-Auguste Renoir was a leader among the French Impressionists. His style was influenced greatly by Camille Pissarro and Edouard Manet. In April of 1874, he joined with Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Camille Pissarro, Edgar Degas and Paul Cèzanne in the First Impressionist Exhibition.
Mme Clémentine Valensi Stora 1870 is of the Algerian born wife of antiques dealer Clémentine Stora. The Storas weren't pleased with this portrait, which probably possessed too much impasto for their tastes. She is pictured wearing a blue and gold headdress and robes, elements of a typical costume worn by Jewish women in Algiers.

Looking at the photo above of Mother and Child c1883, you might assume it is a watercolor. No, it is an oil on canvas. The subject matter looks quite similar to works by other impressionists, especially the works of his close friend Mary Cassatt.
Oct 2024 Newsletter
Pierre Auguste Renoir at the Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris
Renoir paintings in Paris
at the Musée de l'Orangerie
Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919 Landscape at Beaulieu, c1893
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French, 1841-1919
Landscape at Beaulieu, c1893

Renoiir painted Landscape at Beaulieu c1893 in the South of France. Beaulieu-sur-Mer is a seaside commune on the French Riviera between Nice and Monaco.

In 1882, Renoir suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. He retreated to the South of France for the weather. Although he was forced to make accommodations to his technique to deal with the pain, he did not stop painting.

Édouard Manet was a transitional figure, pivoting from Realism to Impressionism. One of Manet's frequent subjects was the customs and costumes of everyday Parisian women. His most famous painting A Bar at the Folies-Bérgere (Courtauld Gallery, London) shows a well dressed bar maiden with a black choker staring ahead with a blank expression, as if she were bored to tears from having to finish her shift. In the mirror behind her are reflections of the lively patrons of the Folies-Bérgere.

At the Milliner's shows a fashionable French woman shopkeeper creating women's hats, part of the booming 19th century female-lead millinery trade.

The art buying public at the time expected depictions of women which were more mythological or historical subjects. Manet bucked this prejudice and treated women as real people, often engaged in informal moments.

Edouard Manet 1832-1883 The Milliner or At the Milliner's, 1881
Édouard Manet, French, 1832-1883
The Milliner or At the Milliner's, 1881
Alfred Sisley 1839-1899 Banks of the Loing, 1891
Alfred Sisley, French, 1839-1899
Banks of the Loing, 1891
Alfred Sisley was born in France to British parents. Even through he lived most of his life in France, he retained his British citizenship his entire life. He did make several trips to Great Britain, creating a series of paintings of the River Thames near Hampton Court, some of his most famous works. In France, he made his home in the village of Moret-sur-Loing, a small village west of Paris near the Forest Fontainbleu. His paintings were often characterized by tranquility, with pleasing pale shades of green, pink, purple, dusty blue and green.
Georges Seurat 1859-1891 Eiffel Tower, c1889
Georges Seurat, French, 1859-1891
Eiffel Tower, c1889

Van Gogh, Vincent 1853-1890 Shelter on Montmartre, 1887
Van Gogh, Vincent, Dutch/French 1853-1890
Shelter on Montmartre, 1887
The great Eiffel was France's 1889 brash statement of modernity. The tower was built for the 1889 Exposition. Here the Eiffel Tower is captured by Georges Seurat. The tower's rust color towers against a pale blue sky. This painting demonstrates Seurat's revolutionary pointillism technique, his laborious application of dots of color in complementary juxtaposition, allowing the colors to vibrate, giving his subject a great color intensity. The tower was yet unfinished when Seurat produced this painting.

Vincent Van Gogh painted Shelter on Montmartre a year after he moved to Paris where he shared an apartment with his brother Theo. In 1887, the Montmartre section of Paris was still partly rural. In his brief time in Paris, Van Gogh adopted quick brushstrokes, replacing broad handling of paint in his earlier works. This was during "The Beautiful Era" (La Belle Époque) in Paris, but Van Gogh did not think so. He found life in Paris overwhelming and retreated to the South of France in 1888.

The Legion of Honor possesses three paintings by Camille Pissarro, a port scene, a landscape, and an interior scene.

Camille Pissarro 1830-1903 The Road Near the Farm, 1871
Camille Pissarro, French, 1830-1903
The Road Near the Farm, 1871
The Road Near the Farm, 1871 is a scene from Louvenciennes, about 12 miles West of Paris along the Seine. This village was Pissarro's home 1869-1870. He left in 1870 for London to flee the Franco-Prussian War. In his absence, Prussian troops sacked his home and destroyed many of his canvases. This painting was done upon his return, just months after the fighting had ended. This scene looks pleasant enough, with no hint of the violence or ravages of war. Here, a man simply carries a heavy load up a narrow lane while his horse waits patiently on the main road, about the business of moving on after the war.
Camille Pissarro 1830-1903 Jeanne Reading, 1899
Camille Pissarro, French, 1830-1903
Jeanne Reading, 1899
Camille Pissarro and his wife Julie Vellay had seven children. Jeanne was his youngest daughter and, like her father, was an artist. In Jeanne Reading, Jeanne Marguerite Eva is captured in a moment of solitude. Her family's nickname for her was Cocotte.
Camille Pissarro 1830-1903 Harbor of Dieppe, 1902
Camille Pissarro, French, 1830-1903
Harbor of Dieppe, 1902
Camille Pissarro painted this scene of the Harbor of Dieppe in 1902 the year before his death. This was Pissarro's second stay in Dieppe that year and it was exceptionally productive; he created over twenty paintings. In a rare gesture, he donated this painting to the town museum.
Paul Cézanne 1839-1906 Forest Interior, c1898-1899
Paul Cézanne, French, 1839-1906
Forest Interior, c1898-1899

The locale of Paul Cézanne's Forest Interior is debatable. Most scholars believe it was painted in the South of France near Cézanne's home in Aix in the Château-Noir while others believe it to have been a scene from the Forest Fontainbleau near Paris. At the time, most of Cézanne's paintings were done around his home in Aix, but occasionally he worked in the North.

Gustave Caillebotte 1848-1894 Sunflowers along the Seine, c1885-1886
Gustave Caillebotte, French, 1848-1894
Sunflowers along the Seine, c1885-1886

Paul Cézanne is remembered as a post-impressionist painter who influenced avant-garde artistic movements of the twentieth century. His work was a bridge between impressionism and cubism.

What catches the viewer's eye is how Cézanne's blurred brush work was woven into an identifiable pattern. His attention to color, space and shape all worked together, making his work unique. The individual elements of the composition seem nestled together into an overall mosaic of form.


Sunflowers along the Seine by Gustave Caillebotte has tall full-blooming sunflowers on the bank of the Seine dominating the foreground. Across the Seine is a floating white pavilion moored at the riverbank with a French flag above it.

Caillebotte was an accomplished sailor and boat designer. This location on the river was near Caillebotte's home, purchased along the Seine at Petit-Gennevilliers near Argenteuil. It was a popular location for regattas.

I've been drawn to this painting on a number of visits to the Legion of Honor. Its blend of yellows, greens and blues with the reflected white of the floating pavilion is really eye catching.

The Legion of Honor Museum is home to five paintings by Impressionist master Claude Monet, three from his earlier career and two towards the end.
Claude Monet 1840-1926 Sailboats on the Seine at Petit-Gennevilliers, 1874
Claude Monet, French, 1840-1926
Sailboats on the Seine at Petit-Gennevilliers, 1874
Sailboats on the Seine at Petit-Gennevilliers was painted the same year as the first Impressionist Exhibition in 1874. Petit-Gennevilliers was a suburb of Paris where sailing was popularized during the 19th century. Some critics postulate that this painting can be seen in Edouard Manet's famous painting Monet Painting in His Studio Boat, also painted in 1874. The Legion has shared this painting with other museums over the years, including the Art Institute of Chicago in 1975, the Musée Marmottan in Paris in 2009 and the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in 2010.
Claude Monet 1840-1926 Waves Breaking, 1881
Claude Monet, French, 1840-1926
Waves Breaking, 1881

In 1879, Monet's first wife Camille died. For months afterward, Monet stayed close to home in Velheuil. But towards the end of 1880 and into 1881, he made several trips to the Normandy Coast. He stayed with his brother Leon in Rouen and at Leon's holiday home in Petites-Dolles near Fécamp. Monet's marine paintings were received with enthusiasm. Waves Breaking shows Monet's love for the waves depicted in two of his favorite Japanese prints, Great Wave by Kanagawa and by Katsushika Hokusai. Monet's Waves Breaking has been shared by the Legion of Honor. In 2001, it was shown in Canberra and Perth, Australia, in 2004 at the Art Institute of Chicago, in 2007 at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and in 2007 at the Musée des beaux-arts André Malraux in Le Havre, France.

Claude Monet 1840-1926 The Gorge at Varengeville, 1882
Claude Monet, French, 1840-1926
The Gorge at Varengeville, 1882
The Gorge at Varengeville by Claude Monet is not part of the Legion of Honor's permanent collection. It is on loan from a private collection. High above the sea on the Normandy Coast sits the Customs Officer's House, named in another painting by Monet of this same scene.
Claude Monet 1840-1926 The Grand Canal, Venice, 1908
Claude Monet, French, 1840-1926
Le Grand Canal, Venice, 1908
Claude Monet 1840-1926 Water Lilies, c1914-1917
Claude Monet, French, 1840-1926
Water Lilies, c1914-1917
Claude Monet was reluctant to visit Venice in 1908, but in deference to his wife Alice's wishes, he relented and went. He did not immediately want to paint in Venice, saying "the city was "too beautiful to be painted ... 'unrenderable.'" As he did with the Rouen Cathedral and the Parliament Building in London, Monet set up his easel and created a series of paintings of Le Grand Canal. A similar painting entitled Le Grand Canal is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

During WWI, Claude Monet remained in his home in Giverny. Most of his gardening and household staff left due to the war, so he had some solitude in the midst of the war not far from his home. Most of the time, it was quiet and peaceful, except at times when he could hear the sounds of big guns just 50 kilometers away.

Most citizens fled Giverny for a safer place to stay, but Monet, now in his 70's, stayed behind saying "If those savages kill me, it will be in the middle of my canvases, in front of all my life's work." By remaining at Giverny, Monet felt he was making his patriotic contribution, expressing his defiance of the invaders.

In the Legion of Honor's Water Lilies there is no horizon, the sky is reflected in the surface of the pond. This painting was probably done at the height of the summer when the flowers were their deepest red.
Some articles from our Newsletter about French French Artists
Oct '11
Pissaro Self Portrait 1898 Thumb
SF's Legion of Honor
Pissaro's People

Sep 16
Claude Monet photo
Claude Monet in London
and his paintings
of Parliament
Dec '16
Le Nain Brothers Self Portrait
The Brothers Le Nain,
17th Century French Trio
at SF's Legion of Honor
May '18
Paul Cezanne Self Portrait with Bowler
Paul Cezanne Portraits
at the National Gallery of Art
Washington, D.C

Oct '18
Vincent Van Gogh self portrat at the Musee D'Orsay
From Paris,
Vincent Van Gogh
at the Musee d'Orsay
Nov '18
James Tissot, Too Early
French Impressionists in exile
in London, 1870-1904,

James Tissot 1836-1902
May '19
Claude Monet Welcome to Giverny
Claude Monet:
The Late Years
at SF's de Young Museum
Dec '19
Claude Monet by his Lily Pond at Giverny 1905
Claude Monet:
The Nature of Truth

Denver Art Museum
Nov '19
James Tissot October
James Tissot:
Fashion and Faith
SF's Legion of Honor
May '22
Vincent Van Gogh, Self Portrait, Art Institute of Chicago
Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890
Paintings we have seen
Oct '24
Pierre Auguste Renoir at the Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris
Renoir paintings in Paris
at the Musée de l'Orangerie
January is your last month to see two noteworthy exhibitions now at the de Young and the Legion of Honor Museums. Both run to the end of this month.

I wrote about the Tamara de Lempicka exhibition in our November edition and the Mary Cassatt Exhibition in December.
Tamara de Lempicka at SF"s de Young Museum
An Art-Deco Must See...
Tamara de Lempicka
at SF's de Young Museum
through February 9
Mary Cassatt at SF's Legion on Honor
"Mary Cassatt at Work"
at SF's Legion of Honor
through Jan 26
Website for the Fine Art Museums of San Francisco | Back to top
Gallery news

Planning a visit to Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery?

Here's a tip:

Look at our online collection beforehand. Call or text, telling us which paintings most interest you, and we'll have the painting(s) there when you arrive.

Linda and Dan

Mark your calendar! Bodega Bay's Chowder Day is coming ... A Tradition with a Spoon.

Get Tickets

Before or after visiting our restaurants to taste the chowder, stop by Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery, a feast for the eyes.

Chowder Day, Jan 25, '25

Two super San Francisco museum exhibitions are leaving soon. We've written about them in our November and December newsletters.

Mary Cassat at Work, currently at the Legion of Honor runs through January 26th.

Tamara de Lempicka, currently at the de Young runs through February 9th.

Tamara de Lempicka at SF's de Young Museum
An Art-Deco Must See...
Tamara de Lempicka
Mary Cassatt at SF's Legion on Honor
"Mary Cassatt at Work"
at SF's Legion of Honor

... in and around Bodega Bay
Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery
1580 Eastshore Road
Between the Terrapin Creek Cafe and Roadhouse Coffee
open Thurs-Sun, Noon 'till 5 -- other times by chance or appointment

an exceptional collection of late 19th and early 20th century paintings by well known California artists

http://www.BodegaBayHeritageGallery.com | Call or Text 707-875-2911
email: Art@BodegaBayHeritageGallery.com

Joshua Meador Mendocino Coast
"Mendocino Coast"
Joshua Meador
Ren Brown
Ren Brown

The Ren Brown Collection

Just steps away from Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery
A sumptuous gallery experience ...
Contemporary Japanese Prints, Handmade Ceramics & Jewelry,
Japanese Antiques, California Artists & Sculptors

1781 Coast Highway One, Bodega Bay, 94923
707-875-2922 |  rbc4art@renbrown.com
http://www.renbrown.com | Back to the Top

Reb Brown Sign Thumbnail

Linda Sorensen, Kortum Trail

Linda Sorensen Paintings

You may meet Linda and view a selection of her paintings at Bodega Bay
Heritage Gallery,
Thurs - Sun, 12:00- 5:00pm.

Linda paints colorful and imaginative / transcendental-influenced
landscapes emphasizing design, abstraction and Post-Impressionism.

LindaSorensenPaintings.com | 707-875-2911

Linda Sorensen at her easel, photo by John Hershey
Dodrill Gallery, Bodega, CA In the nearby town of Bodega ... Dodrill Gallery
17175 Bodega Highway, Bodega CA 94922
Famed photographer, world adventurer and rock climber
Jerry Dodrill exhibits and sells and his exceptional landscape photographs
... https://jerrydodrill.photoshelter.com/p/page2 | 707-377-4732
Photo@JerryDodrill.com| Back to the Top
Jerry Dodrill, Dodrill Gallery, Bodega, CA
In the nearby town of Bodega ... Artisans' Co-op
featuring the talents of local artists ... photography, paintings, textiles, jewelry, ceramic and wood art
17175 Bodega Highway, Bodega CA 94922
... http://www.artisansco-op.com| 707-876-9830
Back to the Top
Bodega Gallery, Bodega, CA Bodega Gallery
in the historic town of Bodega
We are located in the town's original blacksmith shop from the 1850's
and it has been an art gallery since the 1960's. We showcase jewelry, toys, paintings,
kinetic art, and decorative and functional ceramics.

https://bodegaartgallery.com | 415-515-4665
Bodega Gallery, Bodega, CA
Bodega Bay's John Hershey Photography
Bodega Bay resident photographer John Hershey displays his scenic shoreline and sea life images locally in restaurants, visitor venues and art shows. His 50 year career has encompassed multimedia production, commercial and personal photography, environmental portraiture, and community photojournalism.
John recently added interpretive infrared photography to his portfolio. 
John Hershey Photography Portfolio ... http://www.jhersheyphoto.com
John Hershey Photography Sales ... https://j-hershey-media.square.site

\Jean Warren Sand Harbor
Bodega Bay's Jean Warren Watercolors
Bodega Bay resident Jean Warren says her paintings are reflections
of the places she has lived and traveled.
Jean is a Signature member of the National Watercolor Society,
California Watercolor Association and full member of Society of Layerists in Multi-Media.
http://www.JeanWarren.com / 707-875-9240

Jean Warren Watercolor

What's nearby in Sonoma County?
Sebastopol Center for the Arts

IN SEBASTOPOL - Sebastopol Center for the Arts
... see website for on-line activities sebarts.org
home of Sonoma County's Art @ the Source and Art Trails
282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472  707.829.4797
hursdays through Sundays 10:00am to 4:00pm

Corricks Kevin Brown
Corrick's Keven Brown
Corrick's Art Trails Gallery | http://www.corricks.com/arttrailsgallery
637 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | Contact:: http://www.corricks.com/contact-us

Corrick's has been a Santa Rosa Treasure since 1915,
a downtown stationery store serving as the community's "cultural hub."
Corrick's has long supported local artists with its impressive "ART TRAILS GALLERY,"
including paintings by Linda Sorensen.
Corricks offers a number of originals by famed Santa Rosa artist, Maurice Lapp
... (see our August 2017 article)

located on Fourth Street, steps away from Santa Rosa's revitalized town square
and Fourth Street's Russian River Brewery
Linda Sorensen's White Barn 1880, currently available at Corricks
Linda Sorensen's
White Barn circa 1880,
Sea Ranch

currently available at
Corricks Logo
BBHPhoto Dennis Calabi
Dennis Calabi
IN SANTA ROSA- Calabi Gallery | http://www.calabigallery.com

456 Tenth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | email: info@calabigallery.com | 707-781-7070
Famed master conservator Dennis Calabi brings his rare knowledge and experience
to present a tasteful and eclectic array of primarily 20th century artwork.

http://www.calabigallery.com | Back to the Top
Easton Crustacean Dancing Dream 144
Easton, Crustacean Dancing Dream, American Alabaster
Annex Galleries Santa Rosa IN Santa Rosa - The Annex Galleries
specializing in 19th, 20th, and 21st century American and European fine prints
The Annex Galleries is a member of the International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA).
http://www.AnnexGalleries.com | Back to the Top
Rik Olson

IN GRATON - Graton Gallery
home of many of Sonoma County's best artists
Sally Baker, Tim Hayworth, Bruce K. Hopkins,
Rik Olson, Susan Proehl, Sandra Rubin, Tamra Sanchez, Mylette Welch
Graton Gallery | (707) 829-8912  | artshow@gratongallery.com
9048 Graton Road, Graton CA 95444 | Open Saturday and Sunday check website

Christopher Queen Gallery IN DUNCANS MILLS - Christopher Queen Galleries
3 miles east of Hwy 1 on Hwy 116 on the Russian River
http://www.christopherqueengallery.com |707-865-1318| Back to the Top
Paul Mahder Gallery Thumbnail IN Healdsburg - Paul Mahder Gallery

(707) 473-9150 | Info@paulmahdergallery.com
222 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448 | check for hours
Petaluma Arts Council Art Center

IN PETALUMA - Petaluma Arts Center
"... to celebrate local artists and their contributions and involve the whole community"

Petaluma Center for the Arts

Links to current museum exhibits relevant to Early California Art
The Greater Bay Area
The Walt Disney Family Museum
-- see website for details
This museum tells Walt's story from the early days.
(on the Parade Grounds) 104 Montgomery Street,
The Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129

-- view location on Google Maps
Disney Museum Exterior Thumbnail San Francisco
... see website
de Young Museum
Permanent Collection
De Young Museum Thumbnail
San Francisco
closed, see website
California Historical Society
California Historical Society Thumbnail San Francisco
Legion of Honor

... see website
-Permanent European and Impressionist Paintings
San Francisco Legion of Honor Museum
San Francisco
open, see website for details
Contemporary Jewish Museum

San Francisco's Contemporary Jewish Museum Thumbnail Oakland
... see website
Oakland Museum of California

-- ongoing Gallery of California Art
-showcasing over 800 works
from the OMCA's collection
Oakland Museum Thumbnail

San Francisco


SF Museum of Modern Art

Santa Rosa
see website
The Museums of Sonoma County

Sonoma County Museum Thumbnail
Santa Rosa
... see website
Charles M. Schultz Museum

Charles M Schultz Museum Santa Rosa

... see website
St Mary's College Museum of Art
Hearst Art Gallery

Hearst Art Gallery Thumbnail
Mission San Francisco de Solano Museum

featuring the famed watercolor paintings
of the California Missions
by Christian Jorgensen
Mission San Francisco de Solano in Sonoma CA Sonoma
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

... see website
551 Broadway, Sonoma CA
(707) 939-7862
Sonoma Museum of Art Exterior Thumb
Grace Hudson Museum

... see website
Grace Hudson Museum

Bolinas Museum

... see website
featuring their permanent collection,
including Ludmilla and Thadeus Welch,
Arthur William Best, Jack Wisby,
Russell Chatham, Alfred Farnsworth

Elizabeth Holland McDaniel Bolinas Embarcadero thumbnail
Walnut Creek
... see website
The Bedford Gallery, Lesher
Center for the Arts
Lesher Ctr for the Arts Walnut Creek CA San Jose
San Jose Museum of Art

... see website
approximately 2,000 20th & 21st
century artworks including paintings, sculpture,
new media, photography, drawings, prints, and artist books.
San Jose Museum of Art Thumbnail
Monterey Museum of Art

... see website
Ongoing exhibitions ...
Museums Permanent Collection
including William Ritschel, Armin Hansen
and E. Charlton Fortune

Monterey Museum of Art Palo Alto
... see website
Cantor Art Center at Stanford University
Cantor Art Center at Stanford University

Salvador Dali Museum

prepurchased tickets required, ... see website

Salvador Dali Museum Monterey Sacramento
Crocker Art Museum
... see websites
Capitol Museum

... see website
Governor's Portrait Gallery
Permanent Exhibits

(including one of our galllery's favorite artists,
Robert Rishell's portrait of Gov. Ronald Reagan
Capitol Museum Sacramento Thumbnail Stockton's Treasure!
The Haggin Museum

... see website
-Largest exhibition of Albert Bierstadt paintings anywhere, plus the works of Joseph Christian Leyendecker, Norman Rockwell's mentor.
see our Newsletter article, April 2011
Haggin Museum Stockton
Southern California (and Arizona) (for all museums below, see websites for hours and protocols.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Museum of Art

Art of the Americas, Level 3:
Artworks of paintings and sculptures
from the colonial period to World War II—
a survey of of art and culture
& "Levitated Mass"
(University of California, Irvine
Institute and Museum of California Art)

(formerly The Irvine Museum)

Irvine Museum Thumbnail
Santa Barbara
The Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Santa Barbara Museum of Art Thumbnail Orange

Hilbert Museum, Chapman University

Hilbert Museum Chapman University Orange CA
San Diego
San Diego Museum of Art
Permanent Collection

San Diego Museum of Art Thumbnail Pasadena
Norton Simon Museum
-an Impressive Permanent collection,
European impressionist
and post impressionist paintings
See our newsletter from March 2014
Norton Simon Museum Pasadena
Los Angeles
California African American Art Museum
adjacent to the LA Coliseum
(see our newsletter articleof their
Ernie Barnes Exhibition September 2019)
California African American Art Museum San Marino (near Pasadena)
The Huntington Library

American Art Collection
Paintings by John Singer Sargent,
Edward Hopper, Robert Henri,
Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Moran,
William Keith, Mary Cassatt,
Thomas Hart Benton and many more.

Huntington Library Art Collection Pasadena
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix Art Museum
an excellent sampling of
Artists of the American West
Phoenix Art Museum

Palm Springs
Palm Springs Art Museum

Permanent Collection
American 19th century Landscape Painting

Palm Springs Art Museum Thumbnail
& Beyond
Honolulu, HI
Honolulu Museum
(see our Newsletter article
from February, 2015)

Honolulu Museum of Art Kamuela, HI (Big Island)
Issacs Art Center
65-1268 Kawaihae Road
Kamuela, HI  96743
(See our Dec '16 article "Hawaii's Paul Gauguin," 
modernist Madge Tennent, 1889-1972)

Isaacs Art Center
Seattle, WA
Seattle Art Museum
( see our article Mar 2018
French and American Paintings )
Seattle Art Museum Portland, OR
Portland Art Museum

Permanent Collection: American Art
Portland Art Museum Thumbnail
Washington D.C.
The Renwick Gallery

Permanent ... Grand Salon Paintings
from the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Renwick Gallery Washington DC Chicago, IL
Art Institute of Chicago
Permanent collection:
the Impressionists
Art Institute of Chicago Thumbnail
Cedar Rapids, IA
The Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Grant Wood: In Focus

is an ongoing permanent collection exhibition.
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

Bentonville, AR
Crystal Bridges
Museum of American Art

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Washington D.C.
The National Gallery
Permanent collection
American Paintings
Tha National Gallery Washington DC Thumbnail Philadelphia , PA
The Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art Thumbnail
Philadelphia , PA
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Campus
Barnes Foundation Campus Philadelphia Brooklyn, NY
The Brooklyn Museum
American Art
Permanent Collection
The Brooklyn Museum Thumbnail
New York , NY
The Whitney Museum of American Art
The largest selection of works by Edward Hopper
The Whitney Museum of American Art New York New York, NY
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Its extensive collection of American Art
Metropolitan Museum New York
Detroit, MI
Detroit Institute of Arts
American Art
Permanent Collection
Detroit Institute of Arts Ottawa, Ontario
National Gallery of Canada
Canada National Gallery of Art
Denver, CO
Denver Art Museum
Denver Art Museum Exterior

Boston, MA
Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Museum of Fine Arts Boston

If you wish to sell a painting to us ...

At present, we are acquiring few paintings. We are interested in considering works by Joshua Meador, or exceptional paintings by a few other Historic California artists. We do not do miscellaneous consignments but do represent artist estates. We do not provide appraisal services.

DO NOT CALL AND EXPECT A THOUGHTFUL ANSWER REGARDING YOUR PAINTING (especially, do not leave a voicemail message requiring us to phone you), ... INSTEAD, Please EMAIL US (Art@BodegaBayHeritageGallery.com) along with a high resolution jpeg image of your painting. Include the name of the artist, its title, dimensions and condition. Please include any history or provenance. Rather than responding off the cuff, in a timely fashion we will read your note, do our homework, and write back and let you know if we wish to acquire your painting or we may give you our our ideas on how best to market your painting through other resources.