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Ned Jacob,1938 - Present
Ned Jacob, Cowboy with Duster, charcoal sketch Ned Jacob, Cowboy with Duster, charcoal sketch

Ned Jacob, Cowboy with Duster, charcoal sketch / Initials

Cowboy with duster
Charcoal on paper, 22 x 18

(scroll down for larger photos)
Ned Jacob is a western artist, and is especially renowned for the authenticity of his Indian works. After graduating high school in New Jersey, he hitchhiked to Montana. He worked at at trading post there and met painter Ace Powell.
He lived among Blackfeet indians, collected artifacts, and painted scenes of indian life. He then moved to Taos, New Mexico hoping to gain from meeting other artists. He met and was greatly influenced by Nicolai Fechin. He also took drawing lessons from Bettina Steinke, and painting from A. D. Greer and Robert Lougheed.

In 1966, he moved to Denver, and became a well known western artist. He was a member of the Cowboy Artists of America and the Academy of Western Art, however chose to disassociate himself from these organizations in the belief artists should not compete with each other.

YouTube video of Ned Jacob discussing pastels, 7/11/2005
Ned Jacob, Cowboy with Duster, charcoal sketch Ned Jacob, Cowboy with Duster, charcoal sketch