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Ralph Baker 1908 - 1976
Ralph Baker Brochure Photo
Ralph Baker, taken from a brochure by the artist
Ralph Baker, Cabin by the Lake
Cabin by the Lake
Ralph Baker, Shed, Ladder and Tree
Shed, Ladder and Tree
Even while a high school student in Red Bluff, California, Ralph was winning awards for his wateercolors. He went on to study with Maurice Logan at the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art. He worked as a commercial designer in San Francisco and as an artist on the side. He was active in the Society of Wetern Artists, exhibiting in their shows at the de Young Museum and in Oakland.

California was his subject, roaming its highways for new scenes. He's painted waterfronts of the Bay Area to the High Sierra, spending most of his time in the Mother Lode Country. He was in constant demand as a teacher, lecturer and art critic.

Sources: Gordon McClelland and Jay Last, "California Watercolors 1850-1970", 2002; Edan Hughes, "Artists in California, 1786-1940," 2002, and a brochure produced from the artist himself.
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